With apologies to those reading on mobile phones, this piece needs to be shown as a whole, including its illustration by Jerry Silverberg. Bookmark for your desktop or pinch your phone. It’s worth it. I promise.

With apologies to those reading on mobile phones, this piece needs to be shown as a whole, including its illustration by Jerry Silverberg. Bookmark for your desktop or pinch your phone. It’s worth it. I promise.
Stacey-Anne Curtis has written creatively since age eight and worked professionally as a writer and editor for over twenty years. She adventures the country and globe, gratefully filling her life with stories of people, places, and things. She currently resides in Toronto, Canada with her cat, Astro.
I awake, heart quickening its beat, fingers slowly unraveling, gently looking for love in your still sleeping body, while, elsewhere in my brain, old grievances […]
Just an open patch of ground.The road dipped in a valley.We had a throwing stickfor the dog’s yellow ball and the dog looked overher shoulder, […]
while listening to your voice, its energetic cadence, the wealthy murmur of your laugh spiting grief, pain, the whole past-tense flashback shebang, I feel erased, […]