Feeling blue in my eyes with waves rising. She is there, mermaid girl, in the blue sea. Heart of glass breaks in two, three, four, and ten. I can’t swim to her now. She is too far. Mermaid girl ancient as time, waves bye, bye.
Feeling blue in my eyes with waves rising. She is there, mermaid girl, in the blue sea. Heart of glass breaks in two, three, four, and ten. I can’t swim to her now. She is too far. Mermaid girl ancient as time, waves bye, bye.
I promise to borrow bravery, for it’s a paradox to have it. If you never had to act bravely, you couldn’t know if you were. […]
this is the one time youwill ever see your mother cry,so pay attentionsix, seven months pregnant and just thetwo of you in the house, exposed, […]
My mother speaks a language other than I. She was a francophone in her Canadian childhood. I am not part of her elite vernacular assembly […]